insects & light

Current Research

My research interests are focused on macroecology, biogeography and systematics of species-rich moth communities. I am methodologically interested in light trapping with UV lamps, camera light traps, and (UV) photography.

I am curating the insect collections at the Phyletisches Museum in Jena where I am also designing exhibitions. I also am voluntarily managing invasive plant species in the region and am testing appropriate methods.

My model groups are the species-rich moth clades of Geometridae (looper moths) and Arctiinae (tiger moths and woolly bears). The work has a focus on Central and South America, where thousands of species occur, many of them still undescribed. I carried out field studies mainly in Ecuador, Peru and Costa Rica (see papers below). All collected material is carefully prepared and permanently stored in the museum where it is available for further study, for examle on impacts of global heating. The most important projects are shortly presented in the following.

ANDIV elevational gradient study in Peru

A DFG project Diversity and key traits of moths along a complete elevational gradient in the Peruvian Andes has started in September 2022. Yenny Correa Carmona is the PhD student has recently started the third field trip. The project is carried out together with PIs Marcell Peters, Alexander Keller and Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter. Felipe Yon, Juan Grados and Gerardo Lamas are our counterparts in Peru. Miles Silman, Adrian Forsyth and Alejandro Lopera are also collaborators. Here is a link to the ANDIV website.

The major objective of the project bundle is to contribute to the understanding of the broad scale drivers of holometabolous insects and their microbiomes. Lepidoptera are among the “big four” clades of holometabolous insects, and they play key roles as pollinators, defoliators and prey, yet factors determining their diversity in the tropics are poorly understood. Elevational gradients offer “natural experiments” for diversity studies, and they are far less influenced by large-scale biogeographic patterns than latitudinal gradients. The species-rich Lepidoptera clades Geometridae and Arctiinae are selected as model groups because they are phylogenetically unrelated and that differ in many traits such as body size and colouration.

For the first time, moths will be sampled quantitatively (attraction to light) along a nearly complete elevational gradient in the tropical Andes. A research collection with ca. 30,000 moth specimens and a DNA-barcode library with ca. 3,500 species will be established that will become available for long-term research. We will use UV photography and automated segmentation software for image analysis and determination of morphometric traits for all species. The data set will allowus to analyse diversity patterns and to investigate changes in selected functional traits of the moths along the elevation gradient. The first manuscript of the project was accepted in December 2024 and a second at Ecology is currently under revision; both with Kim Holzmann as lead author. PhD student Yenny Correa will submit the first manuscript in January 2025. It deals with new algorithms for automated trait measurements of Lepidopterans.

Network pollination project in the Chocó forest of Ecuador

A DFG project Plant-pollinator interactions: Diurnal and nocturnal pollinators in DFG FOR Reassembly started in 2022. PIs are Sara Leonhard (Munich), Alexander Keller (Munich) and I. The Jena group has performed a field study that investigates the differences of the moth faunas between canopy and understorey in primary and secondary forest; we investigate moth traits (including proboscis length) and test the methodology - using mini switch LepiLED lamps in combination with chloroform traps and extended rain protection. Dennis Böttger was in the field already for two times, and PhD student Ugo Dinizis intensively working in the project. His first manuscript will be submitted in early 2025.


Since November 2023, I have been leading the BMBF project LEPMON together with Paul Bodesheim (FSU Jena). In the 2024 season, new camera light traps (CLT) are set up in Jena, which will provide the first data for the project. Phase 2 started in Decembr 2024, will then run until 2027. The project has a total budget of EUR 1.8 million. The cooperation partners are Peter Grobe (Bonn), Julie Koch-Sheard (Marburg) and Roel van Klink (iDiv).

The aim of LEPMON is to develop a powerful and stable system that can be used to start monitoring nocturnal insects throughout Germany. The system includes the hardware with specially developed camera light traps (CLT), the appropriate scalable data management and implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) to enable mass species identification of moths and other insects. We are testing the system's capabilities by analysing urbanisation gradients in eight cities in collaboration with practice partners and through a citizen science pilot project. We are integrating it into existing monitoring programmes and determining the technical possibilities at extreme locations.
Vivian Holzhauer has written a master's thesis in 2023/2024 comparing which fauna is recorded with a camera trap compared to classic trapping methods.

Methodology: LED lamps & traps

We have systematically compared LED lamps in field studies in Jena, i.e. UV lamps against mixed radiation lamps, and lamps that differ in radiation flux. Julia Niermann manuscrpt was published in 2022 in the European Journal of Entomology. It shows that microhabitat can have a larger influence on the samples than the lamp type. In 2021, Dennis Böttger and Rachit Singh carried out another study in the Jena Forest in order to compare the understorey and canopy moth fauna. Rachit also has tested three different types of traps. Analyses are ongoing. We are also producing new species lists for the region and compare the data with >60 year old sampling data.

In 2021, we published a paper on a large behavioural experiment with more than 6000 moth individuals (95 species) carried out in the last two years. We showed that short wave radiation, in particular UV and blue radiation is most attractive for the insects (Insect Conservation and Diversity). We conclude that outdoor lighting should have no UV radiation (as still found in metal halide lamps) and very low proportions of blue radiation (e.g. LED with low colour temperatures). From the viewpoint of an insect, red light is ideal.

An new paper on methodology is in the pipeline: "Light in standardised insect photography and description of lighting devices." Excerpt from the abstract: The paper shows some astonishing deficits in light quality in the photography and digitization of insects, which very probably also apply to other areas in biology and beyond. Digitization programs should always check the quality of their lighting and incorporate better light sources if necessary. LEDs with daylight quality  represent a high-quality alternative. Capturing color patterns in the UV range enables the documentationof a biologically essential component of the electromagnetic spectrum. It should therefore play a far greater role in digitization programs as well as inecological analyses.

Eois project

Work on Eois is a longterm taxonomic project. Eois is an exceptionally diverse genus of looper moths (Geometridae). So far, around 210 species were described in the Neotropical region, but the actual species number is likely to be far more than 1000 species – so most of them still have to be described scientfically. This is a long-term taxonomic project. Similar projects were carried out and published for Callipia and Hagnagora. From field work in Costa Rica, Ecuador and Peru thousands of individuals are available for studies in the collections in Jena. I am currently sorting new material from SE Peru, so far around 150 species with different Barcode Index Numbers (BINs). Constantin Stefan writes his Master thesis about Eois.

Phylogeny of geometrid moths

In 2019, Leidys Murillo-Ramos et al. published an extensive study with 2000 terminal taxa of geometrid moths – by far the most comprehensive phylogenetic study of the group and one of the largest in Lepidoptera. Further detailed studies on New World Geometridae and on the subfamily Sterrhinae were published by us shortly after this. Due to a grant from the Finnish Academy of Sciences to Pasi Sihvonen (Helsinki), the project will be further extended towards an even and global coverage with the aim to include all known Geometridae genera in the years 2020 to 2023. I will continue the excellent collaboration with Pasi, Leidys, Niklas Wahlberg (Lund) and many others. Leidys as first author published another paper about the new geometrid subfamily Epidesmiinae. She has submitted yet anoter paper about the relationships of Desmobathrinae and Oenochrominae.

Which colors are attractive to bees in color traps?

We are currently testing color traps with different colors and color combinations in Ecuador, Peru and Germany. The master thesis of Janeth Renteria has a focus on wild bees. The main colors we are testing are blue, yellow, purple and white. The study is conducted near Jena over a period of six months. The aim is to investigate which taxa can be best attracted with which colors and how strong seasonal fluctuations are. Janeth Renteria has finished her master thesisin 2024, testing different colours and colour combinations.


Publications at Google Scholar

Peer reviewed papers

Soon to be submitted

Brehm G et al. (to be submitted 3/25) 332 species of tiger moths (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae )of the Canandé reserve in NW Ecuador: checklist, illustrated catalogue and COI phylogeny

Böttger D, Diniz UM, Keller A, Leonhardt SD, Brehm G (to be submitted 3/25) Diversity of moth communities is higher in the understorey than in the canopy of a tropical lowland rainforest in NW Ecuador.

Correa Carmona Y, Korsch D, Böttger D, Holzmann KL, Alonso-Alonso P, Pinos A, Keller A, Steffan-Dewenter I, Peters MK, Brehm G (to be submitted 3/25) LEPY: A Python-based pipeline for automated size and colour trait analysis of Lepidoptera images.

Diniz UM, Guevara-Andino JE, Brehm G, Rasmussen C, Leonhardt SD, Keller A (to be submitted 3/25) Shedding light on the ecology of nocturnal bees: delayed recovery in successional forests buffered by broad resource range and reliance on pioneers.


Frühholz K, Kuba K, Pitz M, Windl J, Keller A, Brehm G, Rasmussen C, Leonhardt, Diniz (submitted 2/25) Improving allometric models to estimate the proboscis length of tropical bees. To be submitted to Journal of Applied Ecology.

Stark AW, Osadre A, Guo M, Gentsch GJ, Böttger D, Brehm G, Franke C (submitted 2/25) Telecentric stereo 3D-measurement of small Lepidopterans – breaching from macro to micro with isotropic micrometer resolution. Submitted to Optics Letters.

Renteria E, Brehm G (submitted 2/25) Is blue the most attractive color for bees?Exploring the attractiveness of different vane colors traps. Submitted to Journal of Insect Behaviour. Preprint:

Diniz UM, Böttger D, Viteri Lalama SF, Frühholz K, Pitz M, Windl J, Rasmussen C, Keller A, Leonhardt SD, Brehm G (submitted 2/25) Stratification in primary and successional tropical forests enhances pollinator diversity via functionally unique canopy communities. Submitted to Ecological Monographs. Preprint:

Holzhauer V, Böttger D, Bodesheim P, Brehm G (submitted 2/25) Comparison of camera light traps with conventional trapping methods. Submitted to Insect Conservation and Diversity. Preprint:

Murillo-Ramos L, Ghanavi H, Lee KM, Laiho E, Hausmann A, Staude H, Friedrich E, Brehm G, Sihvonen P (submitted 11/24) Biogeography and diversification patterns of small geometrid subfamilies: molecular phylogeny supports Australasian origin of Oenochrominae s.l. (Geometridae) and their relatives. Submitted to Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Metz T, Farwig N,Dormann CF, Schaefer M, Albrecht J, Guevara Andino JE, Brehm G, Burneo S, ChaoA, Diniz UM, Donoso DA, Endara M-J, Erazo S, Escobar S, Falconí-López A, Feldhaar H, García M, Grella N, Heer K, Heethof M, Keller A, Landim Rebello A, Leonhardt SD, Tamargo Lopez A, Marín-Armijos D, Müller J, Neira-Salamea K, Neuschulz EL, Pedersen KM, Rödel M-O, Schleuning M, Schmitt T, Staab M, Tartara A, Tinoco B, Tremlett CJ, Tschapka M, Unsicker S, Villa-Galaviz E, Blüthgen N (submitted 12/24) How biodiversity recovers from deforestation: resistance and resilience of a tropical rainforest. Submitted to Nature.

In revision

Accepted & in press

Brehm G (accepted) Light in standardised insect photography and description of lighing devices, including the UV range. Nota lepidopterologica

Holzmann KL, Alonso-Alonso P, Correa-Carmona Y, Pinos A, Yon F, Lopera A, Brehm G, Keller A, Steffan-Dewenter I, Peters MK (accepted) Net primary productivity but not its remote sensing proxies predict mammal diversity in Andean-Amazonian rainforests. Ecology

Böttger D, Singh RP, Friedrich E, Brehm G (in press) The moth fauna is more diverse in the understorey than in the canopy in a European forest. Bulletin of Entomological Research.


Holzmann KL, Alonso-Alonso P, Correa-Carmona Y, Pinos A, Brehm G, Keller A, Steffan-Dewenter I, Peters MK (2025) Coldwaves in the Amazon rainforest and their ecological impact. Biology Letters 21: 20240591.


Beck J, McCain CM, Brehm G (2024) Can you trust comparative trait data based on singleton species? Frontiers in Biogeography 16.1, e62354.

Korsch D, Bodesheim P, Brehm G, Denzler J (2023) Automated visual monitoring of nocturnal insects with light-based camera traps. CVPR Workshop on Fine-grained Visual Classification (CVPR-WS). Preprint arXiv:2307.15433


Singh RP, Böttger D, Brehm G (2022). Moth light traps perform better with vanes: a comparison of different designs. Journal of Applied Entomology 146: 1343-1352.

Rajaei H, Hausmann A, Scoble MJ, Wanke D, Plotkin D, Brehm G, Murillo Ramos L, Sihvonen P (2022) Online world catalogue and database of geometrid moths: overview of species richness and systematics. Integrative Systematics: Stuttgart Contributions to Natural History 5: 145–192.

Niermann J, Brehm G (2022) The number of sampled moths is more affected by microhabitat choice than by UV lamp type in a grassland habitat. European Journal of Entomology 119: 36-42.


Enkhtur K, Brehm G, Boldgiv B, Pfeiffer M (2021) Effects of grazing on macro-moth assemblages in two different biomes in Mongolia. Ecological Indicators 133: 108421.

Fiedler K Brehm G (2021) Aposematic coloration of moths decreases strongly along an elevational gradient in the Andes. Insects 12: 903.

Murillo-Ramos L, Sihvonen P, Brehm G, Ríos-Malaver IC, Wahlberg N (2021) A database and checklist of geometrid moths (Lepidoptera) from Colombia. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e68693.

Enkhtur K, Brehm G, Boldgiv B, Pfeiffer M (2021) Alpha and beta diversity of moths along a latitudinal gradient in the Eastern Palearctic. Scientific Reports 11: 15018.

Gaona FP, Iñiguez-Armijos C, Brehm G, Fiedler K, Espinosa CI (2021) Drastic loss of insects (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in urban landscapes in a tropical biodiversity hotspot Journal of Insect Conservation 25: 395–405.

Brehm G, Niermann J, Jaimes Nino LM, Enseling D, Jüstel T, Fiedler K (2021) Moths are strongly attracted to ultraviolet and blue radiation. Insect Conservation and Diversity 14: 188–198.

Murillo-Ramos L, Sihvonen P, Friedich E, Williams S, Brehm G, Wahlberg N (2021) A morphological appraisal of the new subfamily Epidesmiinae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) with an overview of all geometrid subfamilies. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (published online).


Rabl D, Alonso-Rodriguez AM, Brehm G, Fiedler K (2020) Trait variation in moths mirror small-scaled ecological gradients in a tropical landscape. Insects 1: 612.

Sihvonen P, Murillo-Ramos L, Brehm G, Staude H, Wahlberg N (2020) Molecular phylogeny of Sterrhinae moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae): towards a global classification. Systematic Entomology 45: 606–634.


Brehm G, Murillo-Ramos L, Sihvonen P, Hausmann A, Schmidt BC, Õunap E, Bolt D, Bodner F, Moser A, Mörtter R, Lindt A, Parra LE, Wahlberg N (2019) New World geometrid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae): Molecular phylogeny, biogeography, taxonomic updates and description of 11 new tribes. Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny 77: 457–486.

Brehm G, Zeuss D, Colwell RK (2019) Moth body size increases with elevation along a complete tropical elevational gradient for two hyperdiverse clades. Ecography 42: 632–642.

Jaimes Nino LM, Mörtter R, Brehm G (2019) Diversity and trait patterns of moths at the edge of an Amazonian rainforest. Journal of Insect Conservation 23: 751–763.

Murillo-Ramos L, Brehm G, Sihvonen P, Hausmann A, Holm S, Ghanavi H, Õunap E, Truuverk A, Staude HS, Friedrich E, TammaruT, Wahlberg N (2019) A comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Geometridae (Lepidoptera) with a focus on enigmatic small subfamilies. PeerJ 7: e7386.

Rabl D, Gottsberger B, Brehm G, Hofhansl F, Fiedler K (2019) Moth assemblages in Costa Rica rain forest mirror small‐scale topographic heterogeneity. Biotropica 52: 288–301.


Brehm G (2018) Revision of the genus Callipia Guenée (1858) (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) with the description of 15 new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 404: 1–54.

Brehm G, Knorre D von, Fischer MS (2018) JENA: The scientific zoological collections at the Phyletisches Museum in Jena – historical development and conservational challenges. In: Zoological collections of Germany (ed. L Beck). Springer.

Kawahara A, Plotkin D, Forero D, Storer C, St Laurent R, Espeland M, Dexter K, Pierce N, Breinholt J, Brehm G, Lohman D, Toussaint E, Vargas S (2018) Phylogenetics of moth-like butterflies (Papilionoidea: Hedylidae) based on a new 13-locus target capture probe set. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127: 600–605.

Puchert G, Brehm G (2018) JENA: The teaching collection at the Zoological Institute of the Jena University – its importance, value and conservational problems. In: Zoological collections of Germany (ed. L Beck). Springer.

Wallis CIB, Brehm G, Donoso DA, Fiedler K, Homeier J, Paulsch D, Süßenbach D, Tiede Y, Brandl R, Farwig N, Bendix J (2018) Remote sensing improves prediction of tropical montane species diversity but performance differs among taxa. Ecological Indicators 83: 538–549.


Beck J, McCain CM, Axmacher JC, Ashton L, Bärtschi F, Brehm G, Cizek O, Colwell RK, Fiedler K, Francois CL, Holloway JD, Intachat J, Kadlec T, Kitching R, Maunsell SM, Merckx T, Nakamura A, Odell E, Sang W, Toko P, Zamecnik J, Zou Y, Novotny V (2017) Elevational species richness gradients in a hyperdiverse insect taxon: a global meta-study on geometrid moths. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 412–424.

Brehm G (2017) A new LED lamp for the collection of nocturnal Lepidoptera and a spectral comparison of light-trapping lamps. Nota lepidopterologica 40: 87–108.

Infusino M, Brehm G, Di Marco C, Scalercio S (2017) Assessing the efficiency of UV LEDs as light sources for macro-moth diversity sampling. European Journal of Entomology 114: 25–33.

Strutzenberger P, Brehm G, Gottsberger B, Bodner F, Seifert, CL, Fiedler, K (2017) Diversification rates, host plant shifts and an updated molecular phylogeny of Andean Eois moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). PlosOne 12: e018843.


Brehm G, Hebert PDN, Colwell RK Adams MO, Bodner F, Friedemann K, Möckel L,Fiedler K (2016) Turning up the heat at a hotspot: DNA barcodes reveal 80% more species of geometrid moths along an Andean elevational gradient. PlosOne 11: e0150327.

Colwell RK, Gotelli NJ, Ashton LE, Beck J, Brehm G, Fayle TM, Fiedler K, Forister ML, Kessler M, Kitching R, Klimes P, Kluge J, Longino JT, Maunsell SC, McCain CM, Moses J, Noben S, Sam K,  Same L, Shapiro AM, Wang X, Novotny V (2016) Midpoint attractors and species richness: Modeling the interaction between environmental drivers and geometric constraints. Ecology Letters 19: 1009–1022.

Rodríguez-Castañeda G, Brehm G,  Fiedler K,  Dyer LA (2016) Ant predation on herbivores through a multitrophic lens: how effects of ants on plant herbivore defense and natural enemies vary along temperature gradients. Current Opinion in Insect Science 14: 73–80. Link to ResearchGate

Zenker MM, Wahlberg N, Brehm G, Teston JA, Przybylowicz L, Pie RP, Freitas VL (2016) Systematics and origin of moths in the subfamily Arctiinae (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) in the Neotropical region. Zoologica Scripta 46: 348–362. Link to pdf (proof)


Brehm G (2015) Three new species of Hagnagora Druce, 1885 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae) from Ecuador and Costa Rica and a concise revision of the genus. ZooKeys 537:131–156

Bodner F, Brehm G, Fiedler K (2015) Many caterpillars in a montane rain forest in Ecuador are not classical herbivores. Journal of Tropical Ecology 31: 473-476.

Brehm G, Fischer M, Gorb S, Kleinteich T, Kühn B, Neubert D, Pohl H, Wipfler B, Wurdinger S (2015) The unique sound production of the Death’s head Hawkmoth (Acherontia atropos (Linnaeus, 1758)) revisited. Naturwissenschaften – The Science of Nature 102: 43 E, Simon M, Brehm G, Pietsch S, Wägele JJ, Denzler J (2015) Fine-grained Recognition Datasets for Biodiversity Analysis, CVPR Workshop on Fine-grained Visual Classification (CVPR-W 2015) Link to dataset

Seifert C, Bodner F, Brehm G, Fiedler K (2015) Host plant associations and parasitism of South Ecuadorian Eois species (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) feeding on Peperomia (Piperaceae). Journal of Insect Science 15: 119 Download pdf


Brehm G, Strutzenberger P, Fiedler K (2013) Phylogenetic diversity of geometrid moths decreases with elevation in the tropical Andes. Ecography 36: 1247-1253.

Hünefeld F, Brehm G, Pohl H (2013) A simple "hands-off" apparatus to inflate eversible soft parts of the genitalia of small insect specimens. Microscope Research and Technique 76: 258-263.

Werner F, Jantz N, Krashevska V, Peters T, Behling H, Maraun M, Scheu S, Brehm G (2013) Climate Change: Effects on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning. Pp. 247-263 in: Ecosystem services, biodiversity and environmental change in a tropical mountain ecosystem of South Ecuador (ed by Bendix J et al.), Chapter 18, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.


Strutzenberger P, Brehm G, Fiedler K (2012) DNA barcode sequencing from old type specimens as a tool in taxonomy: a case study in the diverse genus Eois (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). PlosOne 7:e49710.

Bodner F, Strutzenberger P, Brehm G, Fiedler K (2012) Species richness and host specificity among caterpillar ensembles on shrubs in the Andes of southern Ecuador. Neotropical Entomology 41: 375–385.


Brehm G, Bodner F, Strutzenberger P, Hünefeld F, Fiedler K (2011) Neotropical Eois (Lepidoptera: Geometridae): checklist, biogeography, diversity, and description patterns. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 104: 1091-1107. Download pdf

Strutzenberger P, Brehm G, Fiedler K (2011) DNA barcoding based species delimitation increases species richness count of (Geometridae) moths in a well-studied tropical mountain forest by up to 50%. Insect Science 18: 349-62.

Sihvonen P, Mutanen M, Kaila L, Brehm G, Hausmann A, Staude HS (2011) Comprehensive molecular sampling yields a robust phylogeny for geometrid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). PlosOne 6: e20356.

Larsen TH, Brehm G, Navarrete H, Franco P, Gomez H, Mena JL, Morales V, Argollo J, Blacutt K, Canhos V (2011) Range Shifts and Extinctions Driven by Climate Change in the Tropical Andes: Synthesis and Directions. Pp. 47-67 in: Herzog SK, Martínez R, Joergensen PM, Tiessen H (eds) Climate Change and biodiversity in the tropical Andes. Inter-American Institute of Global Change Research and Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, Sao José dos Campos, Brazil, and Paris, France. Download pdf

Aguirre LF, Anderson EP, Brehm G, Herzog SK, Joergensen PM, Kattan GH, Maldonado M, Martínez R, Mena JL, Pabón JD, Seimon A, Toledo C (2011) Phenology and nterspecific Ecological Interactions of Andean Biota in the Face of Climate Change. Pp. 68-92 in: Herzog SK, Martínez R, Joergensen PM, Tiessen H (eds) Climate Change and biodiversity in the tropical Andes. Inter-American Institute of Global Change Research and Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, Sao José dos Campos, Brazil, and Paris, France.

Beck J, Brehm G, Fiedler K (2011) Links between the environment, abundance and diversity of Andean moths. Biotropica 43: 208-217. doi

Laurance WF, Useche DC, Shoo, LP, Herzog SK, Kessler M, Escobar F, Brehm G, and 40 authors (2011) Global warming, elevational ranges and the vulnerability of tropical biota. Biological Conservation 144: 548-557.

Before 2010

Brehm G (2010) Diversity of geometrid moths in two Neotropical montane rain forests. Pp. 192–196 In Bruijnzeel LA, Scatena FN, Hamilton LS (eds) Tropical montane cloud forests. Science for Conservation and Management. Cambridge University Press.

Bodner F, Brehm G, Homeier J, Strutzenberger P, Fiedler K (2010) Caterpillars and host plant records for 59 species of Geometridae (Lepidoptera) from a montane rainforest in southern Ecuador. Journal of Insect Science 2010; 10: 67. Link to pdf

Rodríguez-Castañeda G, Dyer LA, Brehm G, Connahs H, Forkner RE, Walla TR (2010) Tropical forests are not flat: How mountains affect herbivore diversity. Ecology Letters 13: 1348-1357. Download pdf

Strutzenberger P, Bodner F, Brehm G, Fiedler K (2010). Molecular phylogeny of Eois: historical signal of wing patterns and host plant use in a group of species rich tropical moths. Zoologica Scripta 39: 609-620.


Axmacher J, Brehm G, Hemp A, Tünte H, Lyaruu HVM, Müller-Hohenstein K, Fiedler K (2009) Determinants of diversity in afrotropical herbivorous insects (Lepidoptera: Geometridae): plant diversity, vegetation structure, or abiotic factors? Journal of Biogeography 36: 337-349.

Brehm G (2009) Patterns of arctiid diversity. Pp. 223-232 in: Conner WE (ed) Tiger Moths and Woolly Bears: Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution of the Arctiidae. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York. Download pdf (proof)


Colwell RK, Brehm G, Cardelús C, Gilman AC, Longino JT (2008) Global warming, elevational range shifts, and lowland biotic attrition in the wet tropics. Science 322: 258-261. Download pdf

Brehm G, Fiedler K, Häuser CL, Dalitz H (2008) Methodological challenges of a megadiverse ecosystem. Pp. 41-47 in: Beck E, Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R (eds) Gradients in a tropical mountain ecosystem of Ecuador. Springer, Ecological Studies 198. Download pdf

Brehm G, Homeier J, Fiedler K, Kottke I, Illig J, Nöske NM, Werner F, Breckle S-W (2008) Mountain rain forests in southern Ecuador as a hotspot of biodiversity - limited knowledge and diverging patterns. Pp. 15-24 in: Beck E, Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R (eds) Gradients in a tropical mountain ecosystem of Ecuador. Springer, Ecological Studies 198. Download pdf

Fiedler K, Brehm G, Hilt N, Süßenbach D, Häuser CL (2008) Variation of diversity patterns across moth families along a tropical altitudinal gradient. Pp. 167-180 in: Beck E, Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R (eds) Gradients in a tropical mountain ecosystem of Ecuador. Springer, Ecological Studies 198. Download pdf

Nöske NM, Hilt N, Werner FA, Brehm G, Fiedler K, Sipman HJM, Gradstein SR (2008) Disturbance effects on diversity of epiphytes and moths in a montane forest in Ecuador. Basic and Applied Ecology 9 :4-12. Download pdf


Brehm G (2007) Contrasting patterns of vertical stratification in two moth families in a Costa Rican lowland rain forest. Basic and Applied Ecology 8: 44-54. Download pdf

Brehm G, Colwell RK, Kluge J (2007) The role of environment and mid-domain effect on moth species richness along a tropical elevational gradient. Global Ecology and Biogeography 16: 205-219.

Brehm G, Hartmann T, Willmott KR (2007) Pyrrolizidine alkaloids and pharmacophagous Lepidoptera visitors of Prestonia amabilis (Apocynaceae) in a montane rain forest in Ecuador. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 94: 465-475.[463:PAAPLV]2.0.CO;2 Download pdf

Fiedler K, Brehm G, Hilt N, Süssenbach D, Onore G, Bartsch D, Racheli L, Häuser CL (2007) Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Geometridae, Hedylidae, Pyraloidea, Sphingidae,  Saturniidae, and Uraniidae (moths) - Checklist Reserva Biológica San Francisco (Prov. Zamora-Chinchipe, S. Ecuador). Ecotropical Monographs 4: 155-217. Download pdf

Fiedler K, Hilt N, Brehm G, Schulze CH (2007) Moths at tropical forest margins - how mega-diverse insect assemblages respond to forest disturbance and recovery. Pp. 39-60 in: Tscharntke T, Leuschner C, Zeller M, Guhardja E, Bidin A (eds) The stability of tropical rainforest margins, linking ecological, economic and social constraints of land use and conservation. Springer, Berlin. Download pdf

Häuser CL, Fiedler K, Bartsch D, Brehm G, Kling M, Süssenbach D, Onore G (2007) Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) - Checklist Reserva Biológica San Francisco (Prov. Zamora-Chinchipe, S. Ecuador). Ecotropical Monographs 4: 145-154. Download pdf

Hilt N, Brehm G, Fiedler K (2007) Temporal dynamics of rich moth ensembles in the montane forest zone in southern Ecuador. Biotropica 39: 94-104. Download pdf


Brehm G, Axmacher JC (2006) A comparison of manual and automatic moth sampling methods (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Geometridae) in a rain forest in Costa Rica. Environmental Entomology 35: 754-764.
Hilt N, Brehm G, Fiedler K (2006) Diversity and ensemble composition of geometrid moths along a successional gradient in the Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Tropical Ecology 22: 155-166. Download pdf


Brehm G (2005) A revision of the Acrotomodes clota Druce, 1900 species-group (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Ennominae). Entomologische Zeitschrift 115: 75-80. Download pdf

Brehm G, Fiedler K (2005) Diversity and community structure of geometrid moths of disturbed habitat in a montane area in the Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 38: 1-14. Download pdf

Brehm G, Pitkin LM, Hilt N, Fiedler K (2005) Tropical Andean rain forests are a global diversity hotspot of geometrid moths. Journal of Biogeography 32: 1621-1627. Download pdf

Brehm G, Sullivan B (2005) Unusual flight activity of a new species of Hagnagora Druce, 1885 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from Costa Rica. Entomologische Zeitschrift 115: 256-260. Download pdf


Axmacher JC, Holtmann G, Scheuermann L, Brehm G, Müller-Hohenstein K, Fiedler K (2004) Diversity of geometrid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) along an Afrotropical elevational rainforest transect. Diversity and Distributions 10: 293-302. Download pdf

Brehm G (2004) A new species of Oenoptila Warren, 1895 from the Andes (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Ennominae). Entomologische Zeitschrift 114: 278-280. Download pdf

Brehm G, Fiedler, K. (2004) Bergmann's rule does not apply to geometrid moths along an elevational gradient in an Andean montane rainforest. Global Ecology and Biogeography 13: 7-14. Download pdf

Brehm G, Fiedler K (2004) Ordinating tropical moth ensembles from an elevational gradient: a comparison of common methods. Journal of Tropical Ecology 20: 165-172. Download pdf


Brehm G, Fiedler, K. (2003) Faunal composition of geometrid moths changes with altitude in an Andean montane rain forest. Journal of Biogeography 30: 431-440. Download pdf

Brehm G, Homeier J, Fiedler K. (2003) Beta diversity of geometrid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in an Andean montane rainforest. Diversity and Distributions 9: 351-366. Download pdf

Brehm G, Süssenbach D, Fiedler K (2003) Unique elevational diversity patterns of geometrid moths in an Andean montane rainforest. Ecography 26: 456-466. pdf

Publications without peer review

Settele, Steiner R, Reinhardt R, FeldmannR, Herrmann G, Musche M, Kühn E, Brehm G (to be published 3/2025) Schmetterlinge – Die Tagfalter Deutschlands. 4th edition. Ulmer, Stuttgart, Germany

Niermann J, Brehm G (2019) Zweijährige Erfassung von nachtaktiven Großschmetterlingen an Ködern an einem Auwald-Fragment an der Saale in Jena. Mitteilungen des Thüringer Entomologenverbandes e. V. 26: 54-63

Brehm G (2017) Migration, Ausbreitung und Verschleppung: Auswirkungen auf biologische Vielfalt. Pp. 153–163 in Tittel C (ed) Migration der Dinge. Kulturtransfer und Wissenszirkulation in Zeitaltern der Globalisierung. Schriften des Internationalen Kollegs für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie 31, Weimar. ISBN 978-3-95773-243-9

Brehm G (2017) Prologue, subfamily and phylogeny texts. Pages 6-7,31,32-34,50,75,83,97,139,171,203,209,229,248,261 in Dett A (ed) Moths of Costa Rica's rainforest. Benteli, Salenstein. ISBN 978-3-7165-1840-3

Brehm G (2016) Erforschung biologischer Vielfalt in Neotropischen Brennpunkten der Vielfalt. Nachrichtenblatt bayerischer Entomologen 65: 99–102. ISSN 0027-7452

Brehm G, Gaona FP, Fiedler K (2016) Andean rainforests: studying the global hotspot of Lepidopteran diversity. Pp 110–115 in Bogner FX, Bendix J, Beck E (eds) Biodiversity Hotspot Tropical Mountain Rainforest. NCI Foundation, Loja, Ecuador. ISBN 978-9942-14-583-3

Brehm G, Fiedler K (2016) Lepidoptera. Pp 464–496 in Schaefer M (ed) Brohmer, Fauna von Deutschland. 24. Aufl, Quelle & Mayer, Wiebelsheim. ISBN 978-3-494-01668-9

Brehm G (2015) Die Zoologischen Sammlungen am Phyletischen Museum. Pp. 25–30 in Christoph A, Brehm G, Elschner E (eds) Zoogeographie. Die Welt der Tiere in den Sammlungen des Phyletischen Museums Jena. Laborberichte 8 (Siegel S, Klinger K eds) Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften, Weimar. ISBN 978-3-89739-842-9.

Brehm G, Waechter R (2015) Wie stellt man einen Farbkatalog für Peter Halley her? / How to make a catalogue for Peter Halley. Pp. 92-96 in Fischer MS, Happe B, Siegel S (eds) Peter Halley – Prisons. ISBN 978-3-9806431-7-7

Brehm G, Fischer MS (2014) Phyletisches Museum im Institut für Spezielle Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie. Pp 209–220 in Werneburg R, May R (eds) Thüringer Natur-Schätze. Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg. ISBN 978-3-7954-2729-0

Brehm G (2013) Biologische Invasionen – Wachsende Probleme mit der Globalisierung. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 66: 117–123

Hoßfeld U, Brehm G (2012) Darwins Finken: „Alle diese Spezies sind diesem Archipel eigentümlich“. Praxis der Naturwissenschaft – Biologie in unserer Schule 61: 45–48

Brehm G, Hoßfeld U (2011) Von bunt zu braun – Bärenspinner (Utetheisa spp.) der Galápagos-Inseln. Praxis der Naturwissenschaft – Biologie in unserer Schule 60: 47–49

Fischer MS, Brehm G, Hoßfeld U (2008) Das Phyletische Museum in Jena. Institut für Spezielle Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie mit Phyletischem Museum. ISBN 978-3-9811758-3-7

Brehm G, Schrumpf M (2006) Seidenschwänze fressen Schnee. Ornithologische Mitteilungen 58: 261-262. Runterlad pdf

Brehm G (2003) Host-plant records and illustrations of the larvae of 19 geometrid moth species from a montane rainforest in Ecuador (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo, N.F. 24: 29-34. Runterlad pdf

Brehm G (2002) Diversity of geometrid moths in a montane rainforest in Ecuador. Dissertation, Universität Bayreuth.

Brehm G, Brehm K (1997) Anmerkungen zur Gefährdung des Mosel-Apollos (Parnassius apollo vinningensis Stichel, 1899) durch den Straßenverkehr - Wie groß sind die Populationen an der Mosel tatsächlich? (Lep., Papilionidae). Melanargia 9: 32-37.

Eitschberger U, Reinhard R, Steiniger H, Brehm G (1991) Wanderfalter in Europa. Zugleich Aufruf für eine internationale Zusammenarbeit an der Erforschung des Wanderphänomens bei den Insekten. Atalanta 22: 1-67, Tafeln I-XVI.

Brehm G (1989) Silage als neues Umweltproblem. Die Heimat 96: 202-210.

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